Saturday 31 October 2009

Credits analysis

film analysis:
I think that the credits should be made like the James Bond films, meaning that we have the opening credits after a short scene, the one were filming. This is because if it were to be made as a real film, it would have the short action scene at the start, then go into the credits, this is so that as the credits are shown the children watching it will, still be thinking of the previous scene, so they will not lose interest however the style of the scene will still be done to impress the children who are watching it. for the style I think that due to the darkness of the setting, it may be wise to contrast it with brighter colours perhaps or maybe show the credits in the "sci-fi" style of the film.
To contrast it, I think it might be good to use: This style
To add to the "sci-fi" theme, a black background could be used with: the "agency FB" font and green coloured lettering.

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