Tuesday 13 October 2009

Final Ideas

The narrative of our story opening is an alien steals a vial of a mysterious chemical and must escape the traps set up to stop thieves.

Alien - Is a thief. He will have a cloak!

Robots - These are set up to stop the Alien
The set will be a cardboard cut-out decorated to represent a stereotypical lab, using paint and lego bricks and whatever else we need. We will also create a door, and an outside environment for the main character to 'run' through as the opening sequence continues. However we have have recently changed it to be made from lego along with the characters, a draft of the room will be shown below:

How our sequence follows convention
Our project will meet the conventions of a children's opening sequence by including humor to keep a younger audience entertained. It will also include action to make it exciting but will not contain any gore to keep it suitable for young children.By not using human characters be more engaging to children and will fit more into the Sci-Fi genre. Because we will use lego children will recognize it and it will also be bright and colorful due to the bricks using lego will also make our film cheaper and allot quicker to make as we will not have to draw out each frame. The narrative contains a theme of good VS evil as the robots hunt down the alien.

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