Friday 16 October 2009

Storyboard ,Title and Prop List

This is our storyboard for our children's film opening.

We have decided to call our Children's film "Bounty Hunter Blarg". Blarg is the name of our alien and incorporating the main character's name into the title is a common occurrence in children's films e.g "Shrek" and "E.T". Our title also uses aliteration to make it catchy. The main character's name is a bit silly which takes they edge off of the fact that he is a bounty hunter and makes him comical.

Prop List
-Lego alien - Blarg the Bounty Hunter
-Bionicle mistika models: Krika and Bitil - for our robots
-Lab made out of various lego sections
-Red Yarn for security lasers
-Googlie eyes for the robot's surprised face
-Black Paper Xs for the robot's dead eyes
-6 lego land mines
-A lego vial for Blarg to steal
-A sunset painted on a sheet of paper

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