Tuesday 29 September 2009

continuity task

We are Maria, Jennie, and Ben and we are group U2-65.
We are working on a preliminary exercise for media studies so we that we know what to do when it comes to our coursework.
This is our script (:
Establishing shot - Ben walking down a corridor for 3 seconds.
Close - up shot - Ben's hand on the door handle opening the door (1.5 seconds)
Match on action shot - Walks into the room (2 seconds)

Ben: Have you seen the coffee machine?
*Reaction shot for 1.5 seconds)
Maria: No..I think someone's jacked it
*Long shot for 2 seconds*
Ben: So much theft around here these days..
*Shot reverse shot for 2 seconds*
Maria: I know! It's terrible.
*Shot reverse shot for 2 seconds*
Ben: Hey! Is that my stapler?!

Jennie just happened to volunteer to be the camera woman.
Ben and Maria are the actors.
Not sure where we are filming but it wil be somewhere on the college grounds.

Monday 28 September 2009


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